Selling a Home Furnished vs. Unfurnished - Things to Consider

Selling a Home Furnished vs Unfurnished – Things to Consider

Selling a Home Furnished vs Unfurnished – Things to Consider

Selling a Home Furnished vs. Unfurnished – Things to Consider If you’re considering selling your home, one of the first decisions you’ll have to make is whether to sell it furnished or unfurnished.

A man hands a woman the keys to a house after a successful sale

While both options have advantages and disadvantages, the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference. To help you make an informed choice, here’s a look at the key factors to consider when selling a home furnished vs. unfurnished. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate professional or just starting out, this guide will give you a better understanding of the process and help you make the best decision for you and your property. So if you’re ready to sell your home, read on to learn more about the pros and cons of selling a home furnished vs. unfurnished and what to keep in mind as you make your decision.

Understanding the Pros and Cons of Furnished and Unfurnished Homes

When considering selling your home furnished vs. unfurnished, it’s essential to understand that both options have pros and cons. Understanding these can help you make the best choice for your situation. On the one hand, selling a furnished home can have benefits, such as appealing to a broader range of potential buyers. This is because it can help paint a picture of the lifestyle they could have in the home. Furthermore, furnished homes often command a higher price. In most cases, this is because it includes furniture and decor. As you can imagine, this can add to the property’s overall value.

A well-lit and furnished living room

Selling a furnished home can raise its perceived value.

On the other hand, selling an unfurnished home can have advantages, such as being more versatile and appealing to a wider range of buyers. This is because it allows people more freedom to choose their own furnishings and decor. Additionally, because there are no furniture items to clean, repair, or replace, an unfurnished home is much easier to maintain. This means you won’t have to devote as much attention to it when looking for buyers as you would to a furnished home. Understanding the pros and cons of each option can help you make an informed decision about selling your home furnished or unfurnished, taking into consideration the specific circumstances of your home and your desired outcome.

The Cost of Staging and Furnishing a Home for Sale

Staging and furnishing a home for sale can come with a high cost, both in terms of time and money. Hiring a professional stager, buying new furniture and decor, and potentially making repairs or renovations to make your home more attractive to buyers can all add up quickly. It’s important to take into account your budget and timeline for selling your home when deciding whether to go the route of staging and furnishing. On the other hand, as we’ve already mentioned, the investment in staging can often result in a higher sale price and a quicker sale, making it a worthwhile consideration. It’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the costs and make the decision that’s right for you and your home.

A person offering money

Selling a home furnished vs. unfurnished can be quite costly.

Take A Look At The Market And Your Situation

When it comes to selling your home, it’s important to take the local real estate market and your personal situation into consideration. Some of the things you need to take a look at are:

  • Are homes in your area generally selling furnished or unfurnished?
  • What is your timeline for selling and moving?
  • Do you have the resources to stage your home with furniture and decor, or would you prefer to sell it as is?

These are just a few things you should consider to determine what you should do. However, it should be enough to help you decide.

How Furnishings Affect Home Value and Appeal

Furnishings can greatly impact the perceived value and appeal of a home. Furnished homes often present better to potential buyers as they are able to imagine themselves living in the space more easily. As we’ve mentioned, high-quality furnishings and decor can increase the perceived value of a home, leading to a higher sale price. On the other hand, outdated or worn furnishings can detract from a home’s appeal and value. It’s important to carefully consider the furnishings in a home when preparing it for sale and to make necessary updates or replacements to ensure it presents as well as possible to potential buyers.

Strategies for Showcasing a Furnished or Unfurnished Home

Attracting potential buyers and securing a sale is crucial, and showcasing your home in the best light is key. When selling a furnished home, you should put an emphasis on the room’s functionality and comfort, showcasing attractive furniture and decor features. Unfurnished homes provide a blank canvas for buyers to envision their own personal style and furnishings.

A row of storage units

It is a good idea to rent a storage unit for your clutter while you are selling your home.

In either case, keeping the space clean, well-lit, and clutter-free is essential. Most people rent out storage units for their clutter while selling their homesThis can be a good option because it will allow buyers to focus on the home’s features. Additionally, consider offering virtual tours or 3D walk-throughs to give buyers a better understanding of the layout and flow of the home. Ultimately, finding the right strategy to showcase your home, whether it’s furnished or unfurnished, will help you make a successful sale.


In conclusion, selling a home furnished vs. unfurnished is a personal choice that depends on various factors, including the local real estate market, personal timeline, and resources available. It is crucial to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each option and consider the impact of furnishings on the value and appeal of the home. Staging a furnished home may come with additional costs, but it can help increase the perceived value and make a stronger first impression on potential buyers. On the other hand, selling an unfurnished home allows for more flexibility in the negotiation process and may simplify the moving process. As we’ve mentioned, the right approach will depend on the individual circumstances and goals of the homeowner. It is recommended to consult with a real estate agent or professional to determine the best strategy for your specific situation and maximize profit when selling your home.

By Mary Aspen Richardson

If you are thinking of Selling click here for a FREE PROPERTY APPRAISAL 


10 replies
  1. Nest Micro
    Nest Micro says:

    Selling a home involves knowing your property, understanding buyer preferences, and deciding on furnishing. Consider your options carefully, especially regarding furnishing. Thanks for sharing!


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